Incoming 9th grade summer team tryouts- We are looking an hosting tryouts the last week of April or the first week of May. Tentatively we are scheduling tryouts for April 25 (Thursday) and will have a make up date scheduled for the following week. Anyone intereted in trying out or getting more information regarding summer baseball should fill out this GOOGLE FORM
Please note that there is a financial responsibility to play on the team. The cost will be determined based on needs to cover our expenses only.
Once we know an accurate number interested in playing will help us to determine how many teams and the number we will have on each team. Use the link above to register.
Once teams are set we will use this page to communicate additional information.
2024 Dragon Baseball Camp- We are currently looking at finalizing a couple of dates to host a short two hour a day camp for incoming 9th graders interested in Dragon Baseball. Dates and times will be determined and communicated as soon as information is available.